Creative Mind Audio
For artists and creative people in general. Brief excerpts of interviews with artists, psychologists, and others on emotional health, personality, high sensitivity, giftedness, neurodivergence, and more topics. See my main podcast page on Substack thecreativemind.substack.com/podcast - where you can also see posts and subscribe. By Douglas Eby.
Podcasting since 2021 • 121 episodes
Creative Mind Audio
Latest Episodes
How stories help us see our inner patterns and gain emotional health
Fairy Tales & Jungian Shadow Work"Many of us are gifted with the ability to hold the darkness of others but we don't always know how to uncover it within ourselves."This Creative Mind Audio is an excerpt from the free...

Trauma, Emotions and Health - from an interview with Dr Cathleen King
"Then I created a roadmap to guide me out of the dense fog of my illness and fear. I learned how to self-regulate my nervous system."Dr Cathleen King, DPT, is a "doctor of physical therapy who teaches neuroscience principles, and is a m...

How to navigate sensory overload and trauma as a highly sensitive person
Empaths and highly sensitive people "aren't just open to trauma. They're open to everything, and it can feel traumatic when you're young and don't have any guidance." - Dr. Judith Orloff"Our nervous system is picking up more info...

How to Understand and Recover from Narcissistic and Toxic Family Dynamics
Meg Haworth, PhD recalls, "I grew up with a narcissistic parent in a toxic family system, and I also had all kinds of abuse growing up and spent a lot of time in my childhood being very sick."This audio is an excerpt from a longer inter...

Adverse Childhood Experiences and creativity - A Notebook AI Podcast
Most of us have a wide variety of emotional experiences as a child and teen, and as as adults, of course. These may include relatively minor and temporary hurts, but also abuse, even trauma. And these experiences can endure, esp...